What is the Entrepreneurial Mindset Healthcare?

Entrepreneurial Mindset Healthcare is a special interest group of the global Entrepreneurial Mindset Network. 

The Network’s vision is that everybody can benefit from having an entrepreneurial mindset. The mindset is relevant not only to healthcare entrepreneurs but also to front line care workers, support staff and leaders in private, public and not-for-profit healthcare organisations.

The healthcare group’s mission is to inspire you to make your unique contribution to healthcare through your use of the entrepreneurial mindset.

To get you off to a flying start the Network provides a common sense  mindset definition that you will find easy to understand and use. To help you in your ongoing mindset development we offer a book, workshops, and a range of online Mindset Behaviour (MBA) tools.

What are the benefits of joining the Network?

It is quick, easy and free to join the Network. Simply press the [JOIN] button at the top of this page. We encourage you to add your membership to your CV and we will provide you with instructions so that you can add your membership to your LinkedIn profile.

Followers of the Network’s company page on LinkedIn come from 73 countries. People who have registered to join the Network are located in 107 countries

To stimulate your thinking we provide a range of mindset examples that showcase people from all over the world applying the mindset in healthcare.

To give you more opportunities for international networking we invite you to join our series of interactive webinars where you can meet new people, exchange ideas and gain new insights.

Who runs the Network?



Paul Coyle is the Founder and Director of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network.  He is an expert in the entrepreneurial mindset, leadership and organisational transformation.  

Paul is a member of the Oxford Entrepreneurs Network, a global network of entrepreneurs and investors who were educated at the University of Oxford.

You can visit Paul's Linkedin profile where where you can choose to connect with him. Currently Paul is connected on LinkedIn to more than 11,000 people, including healthcare professionals in 58 countries who are working in biotechnology research, hospitals, medical equipment manufacturing, medical practice, mental health care, pharmaceutical manufacturing and wellness & fitness.

On Linkedin you will be able to see a summary of Paul’s professional experience as an entrepreneur, expert and as an executive and professor in higher education. You will also be able to read and interact with his regular LinkedIn posts about the entrepreneurial mindset.



The Entrepreneurial Mindset Network has created an easy to understand, common sense and practical definition of the entrepreneurial mindset. It is quick to understand, easy to remember and of practical use in a diverse range of contexts. As an aid to memory, 1 essential entrepreneurial behaviour is allocated to each of the 7 letters in the word MINDSET.

Entrepreneurial mindset defintion

What is a good definition?

Many people use the phrase “entrepreneurial mindset” in a vague or ill-defined way. To solve this problem, the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network has created an easy to understand, common sense and practical definition of the entrepreneurial mindset. What makes this definition distinctive is that it is based on 7 essential entrepreneurial behaviours. Other definitions use generic business or transferable skills and they then fail to fully capture the distinctive nature of entrepreneurship. Our focus is on helping people to think, act and behave like an entrepreneur. As an aid to memory, 1 entrepreneurial behaviour is allocated to each of the 7 letters in the word MINDSET.

Can I download the definition?

To support people all around the world, the Network’s definition of the mindset has been designed to be relevant in diverse cultural contexts and has been translated into 16 languages.

[DOWNLOAD] the definition in the following languages by clicking on the name of the language:

[عربي] [中国人] [Deutschen] [ελληνικά] [English] [Español] [français] [italiano] [Nederlands] [Português] [ਪੰਜਾਬੀ] [română] [Русский] [Српски] [shqip] [Türkçe]

How was the definition created?

The definition was developed by examining research studies that have tried to explain the success of entrepreneurs through an understanding of their personalities, skills and behaviours. In addition, we considered positive and negative perceptions of entrepreneurship e.g. with regard to ethical behaviour. Overall, the definition attempts to be both realistic and practical. The mindset has to be more than simple self-belief or wishful thinking. Therefore, at the core of our definition is the idea of taking action. This can mean being prepared to put in the hard work and also being resilient in the face of the inevitable challenges of an entrepreneurial journey.

The strategic development of values-based healthcare

Using these 7 behaviours as a framework, the Network has created a draft set of aims for the strategic development of values-based healthcare. The aims provide the basis for further debate and an exploration of the processes by which these aims could be achieved in practice.

Meet real needs

Aim to maintain a sustainable healthcare system which delivers the best the possible health outcomes and value for money.

Aim to meet the expectations of a diverse range of stakeholders and deliver equitable societal outcomes.

Aim to prevent chronic diseases (e.g. hypertension, diabetes) caused by lifestyle choices and socio-economic status.

Collect & analyse data (e.g. patient reported outcomes) to support clinical decision making, benchmarking & improvement.

Move towards a more user-centric approach in healthcare including the use of digital healthcare technologies.

        Dare to take risks

Understand risk taking behaviours (e.g. lack of exercise) and the impact on chronic disease & healthy life expectancy.

Identify, monitor, reduce and eliminate health risks and determine interventions that will influence changes in behaviour.

Identify new opportunities that can only arise from taking calculated risks e.g. biotechnology and gene therapy.

Monitor intended outcomes and consequences, stopping risks before major problems occur; have a Plan B.

Embrace the opportunities offered by radical innovation as a necessary response to meeting existing and future real needs.

               Take the initiative

Take an entrepreneurial approach i.e. take ownership of problems, make a commitment to finding solutions and don’t sit back or wait.

Recognise change won’t happen just because it is a good idea, work to engage people, overcome inertia & anticipate the likely obstacles.

Focus on action not words, realism not wishful thinking, identify how to make change happen and the measures of success that matter.

Base plans on clear roles & responsibilities at every level, and seek engagement, inclusivity, accountability, outcomes and impacts.

Prioritise early interventions that are designed to help prevent chronic disease and to create a financially sustainable health system.


Exploit technological advances (medicine, devices & digitisation) and at the same time avoid unnecessary harm.

Continue to develop the collection, analysis, use and sharing of personal health records & data (inc. from wearable devices).

Support the life long learning of health professionals so that they can meet existing, changing and future needs.

Be open to new approaches to managing human resources including revising contracts, job descriptions & working practices.

Anticipate radical innovation that will build on, improve or replace the existing systems e.g. start ups and new entrants.


Engage citizens in a consideration of risks and educate them to make life style choices that improve their healthy life expectancy.

Champion the need for an holistic approach to citizen health and well-being based on a team-based and multi-agency approach.

Encourage communication between stakeholders & the sharing of best practices across the silos that exist in the healthcare system.

Inspire & motivate healthcare professionals to embrace the need for a change in mindset, behaviours and work practices.

Convince the indifferent, the doubters and critics with evidence of the benefits of incremental & significant change.

     Never act unethically

Aim for inclusivity and equality in healthcare access & outcomes (e.g independent of geographical location or socioeconomic status).

Try to tackle differences in life expectancy e.g. between Baltic region vs southern and central Europe (Men 10 & Women 7 years).

Work to resolve legitimate concerns about data privacy so that Artificial Intelligence can be used to help improve health outcomes.

Do not exploit healthcare professionals, ensure they are able to do their jobs, reward them appropriately & safeguard their well-being.

Take actions that will begin to reduce the environmental impact of healthcare (currently over 4% of the world’s climate emissions).

        Exercise for productivity

Work out how to manage costs, reduce wasteful expenditure, maximise value for money and make smarter use of resources.

Create data analyses that enable the robust evaluation of outcomes, benchmarking of performance and management of costs.

Re-evaluate established work methods, make professional choices to phase out ineffective practices & avoid chaotic change.

Revise contracts, job descriptions and benefits to maintain the availability of talented and motivated healthcare professionals.

Invest in digitisation and preventative measures that empower patients to actively manage their own health and well-being.


We aim to gather inspiring stories from the members of our international Network and share them on this website. You can read these stories and use them to stimulate refections on your own practice. You can also share your own story, bringing your lessons and experiences to the attention of healthcare professionals around the world.

Utilising the amazing potential of AI in the healthcare sector

eZINE 7(1) Peter Børker Nielsen

Peter Børker Nielsen

Programme Manager 🇩🇰

Encouraging a new generation of health innovators

eZINE 6(3) Lorena González-Montez

Lorena González-Montes

EIT Health Spain 🇪🇸

Value-based healthcare reform in the US and Europe

eZINE 6(2)  Elissa Swift

Elissa Swift

Independent Consultant 🇫🇷

A culture of innovation in healthcare

eZINE 5(1) Paul Coyle

Paul Coyle

Entrepreneurial Mindset Network 🇫🇷

Entrepreneurial nurses

eZINE 2(2) Gunn-Berit Neergård

Gunn-Berit Neergård

Norwegian University Science and Technology 🇳🇴

European innovation and health

eZINE 1(2)  Paul Coyle

Paul Coyle

Entrepreneurial Mindset Network 🇫🇷

Health innovation

eZINE 1(2) Anette Birck

Anette Birck

Copenhagen Health Innovation🇩🇰

Share your own story

We welcome articles, opinion pieces and interviews on any aspect of values-based healthcare, innovation and the entrepreneurial mindset. To discuss your idea, to get advice about preparing a draft story, to receive questions if you would prefer to be interviewed, or to submit your draft article for review and feedback, simply use the contact details at the end of this page.



We aim to facilitate online conversations amongst an international community of healthcare professionals. We do this through regular webinars that create a safe space where people can be honest, open, reflective, questioning and innovative. From these conversations we document what works, formulate recommendations and co-create an agenda for change.

Don't miss your invitation

You can receive an email invitation to each of our future online webinars. Simply register to join the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network. It's very quick, easy and free to become a member. Press on the [Join] button at the top of the page and the short registration form will open in a new browser window.

You will have the option to add your membership to your LinkedIn profile; your welcome message will have the instructions that you need to follow.


One of our conversations is about how individuals, teams and organisations can become more innovative.

Here is a selection of recommendations for leaders  to increase innovation:

  1. Welcome ideas from different people, especially those who are not the the usual contributors.
  2. Encourage independent thinking and action among employees
  3. Encourage people to put forward suggestions for innovation and ideas for problem solving
  4. Build a supportive environment that encourages/values new ideas even if these go against the majority view
  5. Provide opportunities for each team to get to know the work of other teams in the organisation
  6. Create in-house networks to voice new ideas, discuss innovation and to explore opportunities
  7. Support the development of skills such as business development, market scoping, industry engagement, understanding the market etc.
  8. Use promotion criteria that focus less on personal excellence and more focus on team work, risk taking and learning from failure
  9. Provide seed funding for innovative projects and pilot programmes
  10. Offer guidance and mentoring

Have your voice heard

Our webinars are an exclusive opportunity for our members to meet online and discuss examples of the entrepreneurial mindset in healthcare.

What sets our webinars apart, and adds extra value for participants, is the emphasis on interaction, the expert facilitation of an inclusive conversation and a shared respect for all contributions.

We publish summaries of all webinars, with an overview of key lessons and video clips of speakers.

Exercise for productivity

A recurring theme in our discussions is how to get everything done with the available resources.

Here is a selection of recommendations  to improve personal productivity:

  1. Focus only on the priority tasks and invest more time in areas that are linked to significant outcomes 
  2. Stop procrastinating, don’t keep putting things off and don’t try to do things at the last minute
  3. Try saying ‘no’ to things that do not align with strategic goals, be brave in saying ‘no’ 
  4. Don’t say ‘yes’ just to please other people or avoid confrontation 
  5. Give more focus to a single task, 100% attention, rather than splitting time across many tasks, and avoid multi tasking
  6. Avoid distractions and focus on what’s important
  7. Work out what wastes time and stop doing it
  8. Stop switching emails on in the morning, and leaving them on all day, because it becomes too distracting 
  9. Ask someone to lunch to talk about an idea rather than send an email
  10. Challenge the ‘meetings culture’ by pointing out how meetings could become more productive

Sustainable Development 

Discussions around the entrepreneurial mindset in healthcare take into consideration Sustainable Development Goal 3, "To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages", established in 2015 by the United Nations.

SDG 3 Good health and well-being

Paul Coyle

Paul Coyle is the Founder and Director of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network, an international community of practice for the entrepreneurial mindset with members located in 107 countries worldwide. 

Paul has been working with EIT Health, a ‘knowledge and innovation community’ (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, since 2017, providing expert advice in support of a range of initiatives including the Campus call, Innovation fellowships, i-Days, Master programmes, the Entrepreneurship training and education call, and the Innostars education flagships pitching days. 

Paul is connected on LinkedIn to healthcare professionals who are based in 58 countries and who are working in a range of industries including biotechnology research, hospitals and healthcare, medical equipment manufacturing, medical practice, mental health care, pharmaceutical manufacturing and wellness & fitness. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Oxford Entrepreneurs Network, a global network of entrepreneurs and investors who were educated at the University of Oxford. 

Connect with Paul on Linkedin where you can read about his career as an entrepreneur, and as an executive & professor in higher education.





We aim to provide learning and development that enables healthcare professionals to understand and apply the entrepreneurial mindset, in their daily work and their planning for the future. You will be inspired to discover how relevant the entrepreneurial mindset is to your work and how it can empower you. You can quickly understand what the mindset is and put it into practice.

Entrepreneurial mindset for healthcare leaders

Now in its third edition, this book is a step-by-step practical guide to understanding and developing the entrepreneurial mindset.

The book will give inspiration to healthcare professionals, and will also be of value to learning & development professionals.


Get your hands on this inspiring step-by-step guide today! It will equip you with the tools you need to achieve success in a rapidly changing world. Enikő Koppány, Hungary, 2023.

A well-written, hands-on book. The reflective questions at the end of each chapter are an excellent guide to help people change their way of thinking.Bob Bastian, Italy, 2022.

This clear, engaging book has made me look at my work with fresh eyes, giving me a new sense of purpose. Highly recommended. Carolyn Howitt, United Kingdom, 2020.

A very helpful book that inspires the reader, stimulates his thought and excites his curiosity. Roberto Brambilla, Italy, 2020.

How to read the book

You can read the 3 introductory chapters of the book on screen for free on Google Play.

You can purchase the complete book for the equivalent of 7.99€ on Google Play. This gives you access to 7 additional detailed chapters, 1 for each of the 7 entrepreneurial behaviours, and 140 self-reflection questions. You can read the full book in your web browser, and online or offline using the Google Play Books app for Android, iPhone and iPad.

You can purchase a print copy for the equivalent of 12.99€ plus shipping costs.

All purchases are charged in the currency of your credit card.

Note: participants in workshops and master classes will receive a code for a complimentary copy of the book on Google Play.



Are you a learning and development manager?

We can help you to meet your L&D objectives by scheduling Masterclasses and workshops into your programme of L&D events.

We engage participants by helping them to quickly understand the entrepreneurial mindset and how they can use the mindset to meet real needs, innovate, act ethically, dare to take risks, improve productivity and take the initiative.

To discuss how we can help you achieve your L&D objectives, reach out using the contact details shown in the panel at the end of this web page.

Entrepreneurial mindset for healthcare leaders

This Masterclass demonstrates the relevance of the entrepreneurial mindset to the future of healthcare.  It provides practical guidance to health professionals and leaders. 

Certificates and credential IDs.

Since late 2023, the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network has been issuing certificates of participation for masterclasses and workshops so that they can be added to a CV or LinkedIn profile. The following are the currently valid credential IDs:

Credential ID: EMN-BARCELONA-121223

Introduction to the entrepreneurial mindset in healthcare. 45 minutes of individual exercises and group discussion, designed to enhance entrepreneurial behaviours. Certificates awarded to 48 participants from 13 countries.

For confirmation of the validity of certificates and credentials, please use the contact details at the end of this page.